
I absolutely love to see the sparkle in a person’s eyes when they receive something from Cuddle Decor that makes them feel unique and special. Cuddle Decor broad selection of designs and products have been meticulously chosen not only for quality, durability, and safety but also for uniqueness and style.

Every single product at is hand-selected by me, so you can be sure you will get the best product.

I am fanatic about quality, and so I decided to include high-end products in my store. I hope you enjoy it! :) All products come from suppliers and manufacturers that are equally environmentally conscious, pay fair wages (no nasty sweatshops), and source their materials ethically. Cuddle Decor products are made by amazing designers and professionals all around the world.

As of this date, we carry products from recognized brands including Bethany Lowe Designs, Katherine's Collection, ESC and Company, and One Hundred 80 Degrees, to name a few. And products from artists including Johanna Parker, David H. Everett, LeeAnn Kress, Michelle Lauritsen, Lori C. Mitchell, Heather Myers, Debra Schoch, and Michelle Allen. 

I hope you can find something you love!

Happy decorating! :)




Disclaimer: All promotional images of Cuddle Decor products are good likenesses for what you will get. Cuddle Decor does not warrant that the final item will be exactly as per the images contained on this website. Due to variations in print material or computer monitor settings, Cuddle Decor cannot guarantee the colors will be an exact match. Color variance should be expected. Colors may vary on different materials.